New Alzheimers Tool Helps Improve Health Outcomes Through Faster Diagnosis

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New Alzheimers Tool Helps Improve Health Outcomes Through Faster Diagnosis

Timely diagnosis is crucial for individuals with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia to access the necessary support from loved ones, caregivers, and healthcare professionals. However, the current diagnostic process is often slow, with an average wait time of three years, and even longer for those with young-onset dementia. Recognising this critical issue, a collaborative effort led by the University of Melbourne has developed a new tool to expedite Alzheimer's diagnosis and enable earlier intervention.

Key Takeaways

  • Timely diagnosis is crucial for individuals with Alzheimer's disease to access necessary support and care.

  • The ADNeT Neuropsychological Norming Tool (ANNT) is an innovative online application that streamlines the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, allowing for faster and more efficient assessments.

  • ANNT automates the report generation process, enabling neuropsychologists to compare an individual's performance against normative data, leading to quicker diagnosis and intervention.

  • Early diagnosis of Alzheimer's has significant benefits for individuals and caregivers, reducing stress, improving access to support, and enhancing overall well-being.

  • ANNT helps standardise the assessment process, enabling early identification of cognitive decline and proactive interventions.

  • Current diagnostic challenges, including long wait times for diagnosis, hinder access to appropriate treatment and support.

  • Tunstall offers various tools and technologies to support individuals with Alzheimer's, including personal emergency response systems, medication management solutions, GPS tracking devices, and telecare systems.

  • The tools provided by Tunstall benefit individuals with Alzheimer's, caregivers, and healthcare professionals, addressing specific needs and challenges associated with the disease.

  • Tunstall's tools offer hope and improvement in the lives of individuals with the disease.

  • Testimonials and statistics demonstrate the positive impact of similar technologies and support systems in enhancing the lives of individuals with Alzheimer's.

  • Tunstall's tools have the potential to transform dementia care, improve health outcomes, and enhance the quality of life for individuals and their families.

Introducing the ADNeT Neuropsychological Norming Tool (ANNT)

The Australian Dementia Network (ADNeT) Neuropsychological Norming Tool, known as ANNT, is an innovative online web application designed to streamline the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. This tool empowers clinical neuropsychologists to assess and communicate diagnoses more efficiently, enabling individuals to receive appropriate medical care and support sooner.

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Enhancing the Diagnostic Process

Neuropsychologists play a vital role in evaluating early dementia symptoms, such as cognitive decline and memory loss. Typically, these clinical symptoms are compared to the performance of similar individuals in the broader population to determine the likelihood of dementia. ANNT revolutionises this process by generating automated reports on the results of the general population, allowing professionals to swiftly compare an individual's performance against normative data.

The Impact on Individuals and Caregivers

The extended waiting period for a diagnosis of Alzheimer's can be emotionally and psychologically taxing for individuals and their families. Edward Caser, an ambassador for the University of New South Wales' Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing, shares his personal experience of his mother's Alzheimer's diagnosis, which took nearly five years to confirm. The development of ANNT provides hope for a more expedited diagnosis process, relieving stress and allowing individuals to access support and care sooner.

The Significance of Early Diagnosis

Professor Sharon Naismith, Co-Lead of ADNeT Memory Clinics from the University of Sydney, highlights the critical importance of early and timely diagnosis in ensuring high-quality medical care for a person with dementia. By automating labor-intensive aspects of neuropsychological report development, ANNT enables neuropsychologists to focus their expertise on clinical diagnosis formulation and the development of cognitive interventions. This, in turn, improves access to quality post-diagnostic medical care, enhancing the overall well-being of those affected.

Standardizing the Assessment Process

In addition to expediting the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, ANNT also facilitates the standardisation of the assessment process. This standardisation enables individuals with mild cognitive impairment to undergo evaluation before their symptoms and condition become evident. By identifying early signs of cognitive decline, healthcare professionals can intervene proactively, offering timely interventions and support.

The Current Dementia Diagnostic Challenges

Currently, individuals in Australia often face wait times of up to three years before receiving a dementia diagnosis due to the intricate administrative processes and data calculations involved. This delay not only prolongs uncertainty for people with Alzheimer's and their families but also hampers their access to appropriate treatment and support. Early diagnosis is critical for optimising health outcomes, as it allows for timely interventions and the development of tailored medical care plans.

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The ANNT: A Game-Changing Solution:

Led by Dr. Adam Bentvelzen from NSW's Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing, the ANNT offers a groundbreaking approach to expedite the diagnostic journey for a suspected person with dementia. By leveraging this digital tool, neuropsychologists can efficiently enter data and instantaneously obtain normative results that aid in interpreting the diagnosis. This streamlined process eliminates the laborious manual calculations previously required and empowers healthcare professionals to make better-informed decisions regarding treatment and medical care.

Benefits and Impact

The significance of early diagnosis cannot be overstated. A person with dementia who experiences long waiting periods for assessment tends to have poorer health outcomes. The ANNT promises to alleviate this burden by reducing waiting times and allowing healthcare providers to allocate more time to personalised feedback and comprehensive care planning. By optimising the diagnostic process, the tool aims to enhance the development and overall quality of life of your loved one with Alzheimer’s disease.

By creating solutions for  individuals with Alzheimer's, their caregivers, and healthcare professionals, Tunstall's products form a comprehensive support system that addresses the specific needs and challenges associated with Alzheimer's disease. Our Connected Care Solutions aim to empower individuals with Alzheimer's to live more independently,, and facilitate effective communication and care coordination between individuals, caregivers, and healthcare providers. Contact Tunstall today to learn more about our products and services.


The ADNeT Neuropsychological Norming Tool (ANNT) is a remarkable breakthrough that  can help transform the lives of individuals living with dementia and their loved ones. By expediting the diagnostic process and reducing waiting times, this digital tool has the potential to improve health outcomes and enhance the quality of life for countless individuals. With its positive reception and ongoing collaboration with experts in the field, the ANNT is expected to make a significant impact and usher in a new era of dementia care. 

How Tunstall Can Help People with Alzheimer

Tunstall Healthcare is a leading provider of technology-enabled care services, including innovative solutions that can greatly benefit individuals living with Alzheimer's disease. Here are several ways Tunstall can help support people with Alzheimer's:

In-Home Personal Alarms

Tunstall has the Tunstall SmartLink Guardian 4G devices that allow individuals with Alzheimer's to call for help in case of an emergency. These devices are typically worn as a pendant or wristband and provide a direct line of communication to a monitoring center or designated caregiver. In an emergency situation or when assistance is needed, individuals can simply press a button to alert our Customer Care representives who can provide immediate assistance.

Mobile Personal Alarm

The Tunstall Gem4 is a new wearable 4G mPERS device, designed to help the user raise a call for assistance when out and about. It reduces the risk to an individual by quickly connecting them to Tunstall’s 24/7 Customer Care Centre (24/7 Monitored) or to their preferred emergency contacts (Loved Ones Monitoring Package) and identifying their location so that assistance can reach them quickly.

Fall Detectors, Epilepsy Sensors, and Key Safes

Tunstall's telecare solutions enable remote monitoring of individuals with Alzheimer's, allowing caregivers or healthcare professionals to keep an eye on their well-being. These systems can include fall sensors, bed and chair occupancy sensors, and other environmental monitoring devices. If an unusual activity or potential risk is detected, alerts can be sent to caregivers, enabling early intervention and ensuring the safety of the individual.

Contact us today to learn more about our products and services.

About the Author
Alistair Wilkes
Alistair Wilkes

Alistair is Marketing Team Manager with Tunstall Healthcare, and has been with the company for more than 7 years. Throughout his time with Tunstall, he has assisted with the development of internal and external communications for the company, including blog articles and web content. His background is primarily in the non-profit industry, working across human rights, disability support and child protection.

See all of Alistair's articles.